All depths taken in feet and temperatures taken in Fahrenheit, over 90 feet of water (same-ish spot each time). [month/day/year]
Continue reading Hemlock Lake thermocline 2021 -2022Author: anonymous
Hemlock Lake, II
The inlet, summer
Hemlock Lake inlet / Springwater Creek / Reynolds Gully – Hemlock Lake, NY / Springwater, NY (photos from 8.19.2017)
Hemlock Lake
Hemlock Lake, NY / Hemlock, NY (photos from 1.21, 2.11, 2.18, 2.20, & 2.22.2k17)
The inlet
Hemlock Lake inlet / Springwater Creek / Reynolds Gully – Hemlock Lake, NY / Springwater, NY (photos from 2.18 – 2.20.2k17)
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wordsinspace dot org is a website that publishes an array of media from up above that mostly focuses on quality photography and video taken from a drone.